Herzog Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The child would not reject his well-meant gift. There was love in that, thought Herzog. (4.6)

Even when his child doesn't appreciate a gift from him, Herzog knows that the child will still accept it out of love alone. This thought comforts him during a difficult time, because it's starting to seem as though all the other love in his life is totally conditional.

Quote #8

To haunt the past like this—to love the dead! (4.244)

Herzog knows it's weird for him to still have so much love for people who've been dead a long while, especially when he's feeling so little love from the world of the living. But what's a guy going to do? He needs to find love somewhere.

Quote #9

My heart was suffocated by this horror. I thought I would die of it. Whom did I ever love as I loved them? (4.291)

Herzog's father wasn't the world's greatest dad, but Herzog still loved him deeply. In fact, he wonders if he has ever loved anyone in his life as much as he loved his family when he was younger.