Herzog Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Those eyes might be blue, perhaps green, even gray—he would never know. But they were b**** eyes, that was certain. They expressed a female arrogance which had an immediate sexual power over him. (2.25).

Herzog gets a strange feeling when he sees a woman he's attracted to on the street. His first reaction is to hate her for holding so much sexual power over him. It's moments like this that give us a really good look into the darker side of Herzog's mind.

Quote #5

And sexually, [Ramona was] a natural masterpiece. (3.4)

It might sound like a great compliment for Herzog to think of Ramona as a sexual masterpiece. But let's not forget the fact that a masterpiece is still an object. Herzog can compliment Ramona's beauty all he wants, but he's still making her into a thing by doing so.

Quote #6

Please, Ramona, Moses wanted to say—you're lovely, fragrant, sexual, good to touch—everything. (5.42)

Sheesh, you'd think that Herzog would know enough to say something nice about Ramona's personality every now and then.