Herzog Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Oh, yes—still in fleeting moments the young and glossy stud—such as he really had never been. There were more faithful worshippers of Eros than Moses Elkanah Herzog. (5.72)

Herzog often thinks of himself as a modern Casanova. But deep down, he knows he's kind of pathetic. If only he could find a happy medium between thinking he's the sexiest man alive and thinking he's worthless, he might have a more comfortable life.

Quote #8

The shrimp, wine, flowers, lights, perfumes, the rituals of undressing, the Egyptian music whining and clanging, bespoke practice, and he regretted that she'd had to live this way, but it flattered him, also. (5.79)

Part of Herzog doesn't like the fact that Ramona is such an experienced lover. But another part of him is flattered by the fact that she has picked him out of such a long list of possible boyfriends.

Quote #9

Ramona will feed you, give you wine, remove your shoes, flatter you, smooth down your hackles, kiss you, pinch your lip with her teeth. Then uncover the bed, turn down the lights, and go into the essentials… (5.87)

Simply put, Ramona gives Herzog everything he could ever want in a sexual sense. And even though he's worried about getting too involved so shortly after his divorce, he can't resist her charms. Notice too that he also considers sex to be part of the "essentials" of life.