Universal Declaration of Human Rights Quizzes
Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Put your knowledge to
the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When the World War II Allies formed the United Nations, what was their main stated goal?
Defeat the Axis together
End the Great Depression
Outlaw slavery
Get to White Castle before it closed
Q. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one part of which larger international agreement?
International Bill of Human Rights
Constitution for Europe
NATO charter
Facebook terms of agreement
Q. Which document founded the modern U.N.?
U.N. Charter
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Atlantic Charter
The Port Huron Statement
Q. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, governments of U.N. member nations should have which of the following?
Periodic and genuine elections
Two political parties
A department of education
Easy-to-navigate websites
Q. What's the name of the U.N. body where all countries send representatives to debate resolutions?
General Assembly
Security Council
Mission: Impossible headquarters