You and Your Country
- Article 13: you're free to move wherever you want within your country. By all means, move from Maui to Iowa. Real estate is much cheaper in Iowa, btw.
- You're free to leave your country and return to it. Who says you can't go home? (That's the last time we'll reference Bon Jovi, we promise.)
- Article 14: everyone has the right to seek asylum, or political protection, outside their home country. Asylum is something you want if your home country's government is persecuting you.
- You don't get asylum, however, if you've committed a legit crime or contradicted the ideals of the U.N. So there's no asylum for Nazi war criminals, unless you're certain 1940s South American countries we could mention.
- Article 15: you have the right to citizenship in a country. No one has to be an island.
- You can't have your nationality taken away without reason, and you can't be prevented from switching nationalities. In other words, nobody's a prisoner in their country of birth.
- Article 16: everyone of legal age has the right to get married and have a family, regardless of "race, nationality, or religion" (16.1). Entering into marriage doesn't change your basic human rights. In other words, brides are not property.
- Marriage can only be between two freely consenting people. No arranged/forced marriages, like on Game of Thrones.
- The family is the basic building block of society and should be protected. Vito Corleone would have approved of this section.
- Article 17: everyone has the right to own property.
- No one can have their property taken away for no reason.
- (Getting more utopian by the second.)