Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Tradition and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I hated hospitals, but Kevin insisted. No child of his would be born using what he called 'hippie methods.' He reduced thousands of years of my family's traditions to a two-word phrase." (12.11)

Remember, Kevin doesn't know about Tia's witch heritage, nor how important it is to her. Still, it's understandable that she would be hurt by his insensitivity toward her family's customs.

Quote #8

Tia brought everything she needed to the hospital. After giving her baby a kiss, she grabbed her overnight bag and felt inside the small inner pocket for the bag of dried herbs that she had prepared at home. Mumbling the words of the spell, she sprinkled them on her tongue. The taste was pleasant, a sweet, green flavor. She placed a few on her son's tongue. (12.98)

And that, Shmoopers, is how you check to see if your kid's going to be a necromancer or not. Forget about genetic defects or other abnormalities. It's all about the paranormal super powers.

Quote #9

"Listen carefully. When we summon, when we raise, we are trespassing in death's domain. For that passage, we must pay." He enunciated each word, speaking slowly and clearly, like I was a child. "When we pay, we must use death's coin. Flesh, blood, sacrifice, these are the tender that death understands." (20.62)

The idea of making a transaction with death is super bizarre, but the fact that it has to be done with a blood sacrifice makes it kind of terrifying. Surely, this is the kind of stuff that makes Sam wish he'd never been born.