Hope Was Here Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #4

Here I was—my body heading to one place, my heart stuck in another. My mind's got questions and no answers.

What kind of kids live in Mulhoney, Wisconsin?

Would they like me?

Would I like them? (11)

These are probably the most common worries for kids moving to new places. Sometimes it seems like Bauer wrote this book for kids who have to go through this.

Quote #5

My mother always said that the stairways symbolized how we must greet whatever changes and difficulties life may bring with firm faith in God [...]. (13)

G.T. included this statement on the back of the menu of his diner. G.T.'s mother must have known that her message would somehow reach her future granddaughter one day.

Quote #6

"Hope, how are you handling all this change coming up here?"

"I'm pretty adaptable." I always say that.

[…] "I remember my family moving in the middle of my junior year in high school. I wanted to kill my old man for doing that to me." (25)

"Adaptable" might be Hope's standard line, but it's definitely true. Right off the bat, G.T. gets it; sharing his own experience is a pretty empathic thing to do.