Hope Was Here Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #7

"And I want to bring as much healthy change into this town as I can before I go." (38)

G.T. has absolutely no idea how much positive change he's going to bring to Hope, Addie, and entire population of Mulhoney before and after he goes.

Quote #8

"I know, Dad, that you've been all over the world and you've managed to make those transitions easily because you're the kind of person who doesn't let change throw you, but I'm having some problems doing that here." (59)

Most kids turn to their parents for help in coping with changes. Hope's still trying to do that, even with an absent dad. Any answers she might get are really going to come from within herself.

Quote #9

"We get a roomful of committed people like this behind us," G.T. whispered to me, "we could change the world." (114)

G.T. has incredible faith in the power of the people to effect change. He does change the world—at least for Hope, Addie, Braverman, and most of the people in Mulhoney.