Hope Was Here Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #4

We don't go back in this family, we just keep moving forward. (89)

After moving so frequently, there comes a time when "I'll be back to visit one day" is nothing more than an empty promise. Hope's not one to make empty promises, which makes it so difficult for her to write back to her two closest friends in Brooklyn who clearly miss her. We think this message might be a dig at Deena as well.

Quote #5

"My mother is coming to visit me."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Bad…some of each, maybe. I don't know." (135)

Hope's mixed feelings about her mother's impending visit seem to reflect her mixed feelings about Deena in general, which seem to reflect the mixed signals Deena sends her when she visits.

Quote #6

"But you're as real and true a father as a human being will get in this world." (171)

Take it from a young woman who spent her formative years collecting magazine pictures of possible "Dads" with whom she had imaginary heart-to-heart conversations. G.T. is the real thing.