Hope Was Here Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #7

"We didn't start from the same tree, but we're going to grow together like we did." (173)

G.T. ties together two small branches from different trees and puts them under a special light to help them grow together into one. The simple yet symbolic gesture seals the whole father deal for Hope once and for all.

Quote #8

A father isn't just woven from strands of DNA. A true father is dedicated and unshakably there for his kid every single day. (175)

The dictionary definition of the word "father" has come to mean something for Hope other than "A man who has begotten a child" now that she's gotten G.T. for a father.

Quote #9

Addie had given me the painting [...] that G.T.'s mother, my grandmother, had painted. My grandmother. I loved saying that. (183)

Just knowing that she's now part of a family tree—one with firmly established roots—is enough to bring joy to this kid who's never really known it before.