Hope Was Here Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #4

Eighth grade. Pensacola, Florida. Day one. I stand on the basketball court and shout, "Look, does anyone here want to be my friend?" Two kids come forward. (12)

After years of always being the new kid at school, Hope's got the whole friendship thing down to a science. She knows there's no time to slowly build friendships so she cuts right to the chase. Sounds like the middle school version of speed-dating.

Quote #5

"We need to help G.T. get this petition signed. There's a bunch of us going out tomorrow to start."

A creaking door of friendship was opening. (45)

The quiet, private Braverman is indirectly inviting Hope to join him. If you're the shyer type, sometimes it's easier to begin a friendship when you have an activity to focus on.

Quote #6

"He doesn't walk out on me when I overcook a steak and I don't walk out on him when his sermons get too long." (71)

G.T. over-simplifies the bond between him and his good friend Pastor Hall. Still, it's a good deal. The two men have each other's backs no matter what.