Hope Was Here Friendship Quotes

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Quote #7

Jillian and I were becoming good friends. She had a passionate relationship with her computer, which connected her to the outside world. She didn't expect life to be easy either, and avoided giggliness, which I really appreciated. (91)

During the ride from Brooklyn to Mulhoney, Hope dreams up a personal ad for finding friends with whom she can spend "meaningful hours." Jillian fits the bill perfectly and is just about as serious as Hope is.

Quote #8

There's this guy that I told you about before—I'm kind of interested in him, except we work together and we're really just friends. Sometimes I think he likes me and other times I don't think he does and I'm finding the whole thing really irritating. (127)

Can you be just friends and have it morph into something more? By this time, we're pretty sure that Hope doesn't think of Braverman just as a friend.