Hope Was Here Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #4

"You want me to vote for some guy who flips burgers on a grill and who's half dead with leukemia?" (50)

Some people—like the speaker of these words—see the grave half-full, but other people, like G.T. and his true supporters, see the grave half-empty.

Quote #5

"You want to know why to vote for a man who's fighting for his life?" we heard G.T. say. "Because no one understands how sweet life can be, how blessed every minute is, how important it is to say and do what's right while you've got the time, more than a person who's living with a short wick." (54)

G.T. may be living with a short wick, but he's making the most of it, even if it means burning the candle at both ends.

Quote #6

The cancer could work for you, G.T. It's a fresh angle." "The problem is dying. I guess that's always the problem." (64)

Just how much money is G.T. paying the infamous spin doctor for these wonderful words of wisdom?