Hope Was Here Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #7

"The thing I hate most about dying is how we deny its existence as long as we can. Nobody knows how long they've got on this earth. And we all need to live our lives just a little bit like the hearse is outside ready to cart us away—make the days count." (66)

G.T. acknowledges personally and publicly that his days are numbered. It fits his tell-it-like-it-is without making anyone uncomfortable nature that draws people to him.

Quote #8

"But life's never been more clear to me than when I got this cancer." (112)

G.T.'s well-aware that he's not the picture of health and physical strength that most people look for in a political candidate, but as he tells Hope, he knows running for office is the right thing to do.

Quote #9

She handed him a little card with flowers on it that read LIVE THE DAY, NOT THE CANCER. (113)

Nothing could be more fitting to describe G.T.'s outlook on life than the message printed on the card G.T. is given by the owner of the Tick Tock Clock Shop after a meet-and-greet with members of her cancer survivors group.