Hope Was Here Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #4

"Because he's totally honest, completely fair, and he cares about everyone's welfare." (92)

Hope's succinct and concise response to Jillian's question, "Why do you think G.T. should be mayor?" characterizes the man perfectly.

Quote #5

"What has the cancer taught you?" a reporter asked G.T.

"It's never too late to do the right thing," G.T. answered. (129)

Once again, G.T. takes the high road here by not saying outright what he really means: Listen up people of Mulhoney. You've let Millhouse mess things up for eight years. I can clean up his mess but you've got to let me do it now!

Quote #6

"G.T. isn't fake like so many politicians, he really wants to help people, he's not in it for the power or the glory."

"Where is he now?"

I know he's upstairs taking a nap because he's not feeling well, but I don't think that's the right thing to say. Then I think that G.T. would probably want me to tell the truth, so I do. (133)

When you're so firm on your own principles like G.T., you inspire others who might have practical reasons to back down.