Hope Was Here Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #7

Everyone there knew we'd heard an honest man make a pledge that he would take to heart every day he was mayor. (168)

When G.T. is finally sworn in as mayor of Mulhoney and promises "to uphold the laws of Mulhoney to the best of his ability," Hope knows that G.T. will give it his "best" until he is no longer physically able.

Quote #8

"I don't believe that you'll ever enjoy that money just like I don't believe that people who lie or cheat or get away with things really enjoy themselves because there's a price to pay in this world." (179)

The letter Hope wrote (but never mailed) to Gleason Beal after he conned Addie out of her money reveals the same moral code that her father lives by. Not the father she was searching for back then, but the father she found when she finally stopped searching.