The Hurt Locker The Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Hurt Locker.

Quote #4

WILL: Well, if he wasn't an insurgent, he sure the hell is now.

This is Will's comment after pulling a gun on a cab driver who drove into the middle of their operation. After holding a gun to the driver's forehead to convince him to reverse out of the area, other soldiers force the guy out of the cab and onto the ground. So, Will is pretty sure that if the guy wasn't already anti-U.S. forces, he is now.

Quote #5

COLONEL: What do you got?

SOLDIER: I got a through and through to the chest, but I got him stable.

COLONEL: He's not going to make it.

SOLDIER: We're leaving in 15 minutes. Got a survival wound, sir.

COLONEL: He's not going to make it.

We are pretty sure the guy in question was a sniper who had shot at a car Will was working on. The soldier tending to him thinks he could live, but Colonel Reed insists that he won't. It basically comes off like the colonel doesn't think the guy's life is worth even thinking about.

Quote #6

ELDRIDGE: Hey, Sanborn.


ELDRIDGE: You got eyes on some guy with a video camera?

SANBORN: No, where?

ELDRIDGE: He's right at my 12 o'clock, you see him? He's pointing the f***ing thing right at me.

SANBORN: Negative, I don't see him.

ELDRIDGE: Hey, Sanborn, he's right at my 12 o'clock. Look! 12 o'clock!

SANBORN: Roger that, I got him.

ELDRIDGE: Getting ready to put me on YouTube. Little shady.

SANBORN: Yeah, he looks shady. Keep an eye on him.

ELDRIDGE: Okay. So, what's the play?

SANBORN: Be smart. Make a good decision. Over.

The EOD team has to constantly watch the people who are watching them to make sure they aren't up to something, which means that they basically view all civilians with suspicion. In this particular instance, they don't love that a guy is pointing something directly at Eldridge, even if it is (supposedly) a camera.