The Hurt Locker The Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Hurt Locker.

Quote #7

ELDRIDGE: You think it's that little base rat?

SANBORN: No, I don't.

ELDRIDGE: You positive?

SANBORN: Sure. Hey, I don't know, man. They all look the same, right?

ELDRIDGE: I don't know. Will seemed sure. That was weird.

SANBORN: Very weird.

This exchange comes after Will believes they've come across the body of Beckham, a local boy who had been hawking DVDs outside their camp. Will is sure it's Beckham, but Sanborn isn't. On the other hand, to Sanborn, "they all look the same," so he's not positive either way. Between that and Eldridge's "base rat" comment, we're getting a glimpse into the not-so-nice attitude Eldridge and Sanborn have toward the Iraqis.

Quote #8

WILL: You speak English now, don't you?

In order to find the people responsible for the death of "Beckham," Will pulls a gun on the DVD seller and demands that he take him to the appropriate people. He thinks the guy has been pretending not to speak English...but as he discovers when he gets to his destination, the DVD seller clearly had no idea where Will wanted to go or what he was looking for.

Quote #9

WILL: Get your hands up.

TRANSLATOR: He says he has a family, please help him.

WILL: Now, listen, look, it'd be a lot easier for me to disarm this if I just shoot you, do you understand? Alright, what's he saying?

TRANSLATOR: He says, "I don't wish to die. I have a family. Please take this off me."

WILL: Well, tell him to put his hands behind his head or I'll be very happy to shoot him. Look, that's not what I said. Tell him to put his hands behind his head or I will shoot him.

The language barrier between the Iraqis and the soldiers creates an extra layer of complication in sticky situations like this one. Will is trying to get a bomb off a guy, but the guy isn't really complying with instructions, and a translator is mediating between them...stressful stuff.