Hush, Hush Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"How did you know you were in love with Dad? […]"

"I didn't. Not until we'd been married about a year."

It wasn't the answer I'd expected. "Then… why did you marry him?"

"Because I thought I was in love. And when you think you're in love, you're willing to stick it out and make it work until it is love." (14. 26-29)

Mama Grey says true love takes time. In her opinion, there is a difference between thinking you're in love and actually being in love, and real love takes work. Do Mrs. Grey's words seem to apply to Nora and Patch's relationship?

Quote #5

Back then, nobody had even heard of fallen angels. So it made sense in my mind, that if I fell, I'd lose my wings and become human. At the time, I was crazy about a human girl, and it seemed worth the risk. (24.65)

Here, Patch explains the reason why he fell. He did it for a girl he was crushing on. See, this is why you make sure you're really in love with someone before you go do anything drastic: If you don't, you might find yourself roaming the earth without your wings.

Quote #6

"[…] I'm surprised you want him to get his wings back at all. After what he did to you, aren't you happy he's banished here?"

"He left me for a worthless human girl!" she spat, her eyes a fiery blue.
'He fell because he wanted to be human, like her! He had me—he had me!' She gave a scoffing laugh, but it didn't mask the anger or sorrow. 'At first I was hurt and angry, and I did everything in my power to forget about him. Then, when the archangels figured out he was seriously attempting to become human, they sent me down here to change his mind. I told myself I wasn't going to fall for him all over again, but what good did it do?' (25.67-70)

Love, man—it makes us do wacky things. Or at least, it makes Dabria do wacky things. Which makes us wonder if she really loves him, or if her feelings for him should be classified as something else? Possessive? Obsessive?