Hush, Hush Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

'When was the last time you went to church?' I asked.

I heard the pop of bubble gum. 'Sunday.'

'Do you think the Bible is accurate? I mean, do you think it's real?'

'I think Pastor Calvin is hot. In a fortysomething way. That pretty much sums up my religious conviction.' (19.57-60)

Religion is often considered an authoritative institution. Here, Nora questions whether one of the symbols of religion, the Bible, is accurate. She doesn't just accept it as obvious truth. Vee responds in her typically irreverent fashion.

Quote #5

'It wasn't easy getting down here. Lucianna is making excuses for why I'm absent. I'm risking her future as well as my own. Don't you want to at least hear what I have to say?' (23.25)

In this flashback, Dabria points out the world of angels/fallen angels also operates under a system of rules, albeit different ones than the human world. But this scene also makes it clear that we're enmeshed in a story of serious rule breakers. Jules, Patch, and Dabria all flout the rules to pursue their own interests and desires.

Quote #6

I was forced to accept that maybe now wasn't the time to rely on the logical half of my brain. Maybe this was one of those times when I needed to step out of bounds. Stop playing by the rules. (24.45)

Unlike the straight-laced Nora from the beginning of the novel, middle-to-end-of-the-book Nora realizes she's caught up in a world where traditional rules do not apply. She knows she's not in Kansas anymore.