Hush, Hush The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A fingertip brushed his right scar.

Patch tensed under my touch. I froze, the tip of my finger quivering on his scar. It took me a moment to realize it wasn't actually my finger moving, but me. All of me.

I was sucked into a soft, dark chute and everything went black. (22.62-64)

Add this to the list of odd things about Patch: He has long scars on his back that suck any person who touches them into a twilight zone. The novel uses this feature as a clever trick to give us info on Patch, Dabria, and Chauncey by throwing us back into their stories with the scar-time-suck, enabling us to see these characters in action instead of getting a boring explanation.

Quote #8

'I'll make it quick,' [Dabria] continued. 'I'm an angel of death. I carry souls to the afterlife. As soon, as I finish, I'll carry your soul through the veil. You have nothing to be afraid of.' (25.62)

Dabria indicates that there are angels at work in our lives every day. Unfortunately for the humans she comes in contact with, this usually means game over for them since she's an angel of death.

Quote #9

I won't be able to stay inside you much longer, Patch spoke to my thoughts. It's not Cheshvan and I'm not allowed. As soon as I'm cast out, run. Do you understand? Run as fast as you can. Chauncey will be too weak and stunned to get inside your head. Run and don't stop. (29.59)

Patch shows off one of his fallen angel powers by taking control of Nora's body. Nora isn't upset about the move because she knows Jules is the real bad guy. This moment is also a reminder that though Patch is a rule-breaker, fantasy worlds must consistently adhere to their own strange but established rules; otherwise they aren't credible to readers.