I'll Give You The Sun Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I wouldn't jump on Dad's train even if Michelangelo were on it. He and I don't get on, though he tends to forget. I never forget. (1.75)

Noah and his dad have a strained relationship. At one point, Dianna Sweetwine says that's because Noah underestimates his father. Do you agree?

Quote #2

The yelling reaches us. It's loud, like the house might break in two. Same as the other times lately. (1.122-1.123)

Sounds like the Dianna and her husband haven't been getting along for a while. Jude and Noah may not have seen the divorce coming, but there were signs.

Quote #3

We can never do Rochambeau because not once in thirteen years have we chosen differently. It's always: two rocks, two papers, two scissors. (1.128)

At the end of the novel, Noah and Jude play Rochambeau (yeah, that's how it's spelled) and choose differently for the first time ever. Each twin has become his or her own person.