I'll Give You The Sun Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Then just maybe she'll forgive me. I don't realize Sandy's been talking, oblivious of the music swelling, of the mother-daughter reconciliation that's occurring in my head. (2.102-2.103)

Jude thinks that her dead mother is blaming her for something. We only find out what that something is many chapters later.

Quote #2

After this happened with Zephyr, my mother died. Right after. It was me. I brought the bad luck to us. (2.189)

Jude lost her virginity on the same day that her mother died. Ludicrously, she thinks the two events are related. A bad sexual experience doesn't automatically cause cars to fall off cliffs, folks.

Quote #3

"He was supposed to be the next Chagall, not the next doorstop. You are your brother's keeper, dear." (2.226)

We later learn that Jude is not, in fact, her brother's keeper. She's his tormentor. But thinking she had to be his keeper created its fair share of pressure, too. Both versions cause her a lot of guilt.