How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I'm telling you, we need to notify the council and the Dark-Hunters. This has Daimon written all over it." (4.225)
Nick overhears Tad talking about his super-secret society early on. Well, we say they're super-secret, but they have no problem talking about Daimons, whatever those are, right in the open, so come on—how secret can they really be?
Quote #8
"Bokor. The person who creates and controls a zombie. What rock you been living under not to know that?" (5.121)
Sherrilyn Kenyon didn't come up with "bokor." A bokor is someone of the vodoun religion (you probably know it better as "voodoo") who can create zombies and control them with a talisman of sorts. So what's the talisman controlling these zombies?
Quote #9
Only this time, Nick didn't see Acheron in the body of a young man. He saw…Someone with fangs, mottled blue skin, black lips, and horns. The image was there in a flash and then gone. Like a freaked-out hallucination. (7.35)
As opposed to a completely cool, calm, and collected hallucination. But basically, nobody is who he or she seems in this novel. In that case, how can Nick figure out who to trust and who to run away from?