Inkheart The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It's a world full of terror and beauty… and I could always understand why Dustfinger felt homesick for it. The last sentence worried Meggie, but when she looked anxiously at her mother, Teresa smiled and reached for her hand.

I was far, far more homesick for you two, she wrote on the palm of it, and Meggie closed her fingers over the words as if to hold them fast. (59.11-12)

Meggie's mom kinda understands what Dustfinger is going through with all that homesickness, but she doesn't want to give the impression that she herself wasn't homesick at all. Of course she missed her husband and daughter while she was stuck in the Inkheart world.

Quote #8

Elinor had decided to offer a home, or "asylum," as she put it, to all the strange creatures who had landed in her world. "After all," she said, "many people have little enough patience or understanding for their fellow human beings who are only superficially different than them—so how would it be for little people with blue skins who can fly?" (59.14)

Elinor hits the nail on the head: It's tough to make a home for yourself in a place where people misunderstand you or judge you according to stereotypes. It happens to plenty of folks in our world, and so Elinor imagines that it'll happen to folks not from our world too.

Quote #9

It took some time for them all to understand Elinor's offer—which was, of course, also made to the men, women, and children out of the book—but most of them decided to stay in Capricorn's village. It obviously reminded them of a home that their earlier death had almost made them forget, and, of course, they could use the treasure that Meggie told the children must still be lying in the cellars of Capricorn's house. (59.15)

Maybe Dustfinger isn't the only non-evil character out of Inkheart to feel kinda homesick—the regular people who'd been consumed by the Shadow probably also feel at least a little out of place in our world. Luckily they can settle down in a village that's typical of the landscape they came from. And having a little moolah to help with rebuilding expenses never hurts.