Inkheart Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're going back!"

"No, I'm not. I gave you my word. Have I ever broken it?"

Meggie shook her head. You broke your word to Dustfinger, she thought, but she didn't say so out loud. (27.7-9)

It sounds like Meggie is starting to have trouble trusting Mo now that she's seen him break a promise to Dustfinger.

Quote #8

"That really is an amazing story, old man," he said in a quiet voice. "I like it. You're a born liar, so I shall keep you here—for the time being—until I tire of your stories." (34.46)

Capricorn's words to Fenoglio are a little scary. He's basically saying that Fenoglio's lies amuse him, and so he intends to keep Fenoglio around as entertainment. We know, of course, that Fenoglio's not really lying, because he knows everything about Capricorn's backstory since he's its author. But for Capricorn to admit that Fenoglio's right would make him look vulnerable, so he can't do it. Lies upon lies—we're not really sure where to look for the truth anymore.

Quote #9

"What does Silvertongue look like? I think you've asked me before. Well, he isn't scarred like me." He tried to smile, but Resa remained grave. The candlelight flickered on her face. You know his face better than you know mine, thought Dustfinger, but I'm not going to say so. He's taken a whole world from me, why shouldn't I take his wife from him? (43.27)

Here Dustfinger's walking a fine line between lying and merely concealing the truth. He's figured out by now that Resa is Mo's wife Teresa, returned from Inkheart but left mute by the transition, but he doesn't tell Resa that Mo is the same guy as this Silvertongue that everyone is talking about.