Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Life Is Beautiful.

Quote #1

GUIDO: Now! [A woman falls from the top of the barn. Guido catches her.] Good morning, Princess!

DORA: How frightening. I almost killed myself. Did I hurt you?

GUIDO: I've never been better. Do you always leave the house like this?

Life Is Beautiful starts like all love stories: girl falls out of barn into boy's arms, a roll in the hay, love at first sight, done. At least, that's how most love stories in Hollywood get going. In real life, most love stories start with the boy asking the girl some inane question like, "Which do you like more, Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch Doritos?"

Quote #2

DORA: Can we get a chocolate ice cream?

RODOLFO: Yes, but we'll have to be quick.

DORA: Why?

RODOLFO: We have to be at the Prefect's at eight. We were invited to dinner.

DORA: Where?

RODOLFO: At the Prefect's.

DORA: Have pity on me, Lord. Let it not be true. Another dinner at the Prefect's?

Rodolfo's so obviously wrong for Dora that it makes it all the more awesome when she starts to realize that Guido's got groove.

Side note: Do you ever wonder what happens to these "he's not the one for you" guys from rom-coms? Like, is there a support group or something?

Quote #3

GUIDO [to Rodolfo]: Congratulations.

RODOLFO: Thank you.

GUIDO [to Dora]: Right this way, Princess.

RODOLFO: But you're…

GUIDO: Quickly, Princess.

[Guido rides off with Dora.]

RODOLFO: But he's…[Cork pops on the champagne bottle, knocking the ostrich egg onto Rodolfo's head.] He's that jerk with the eggs!

We finish our rom-com romp with the loving lovers riding off into the sunset on a magnificent steed—or, at least, riding to Guido's place down the street on a green horse. In a normal rom-com, they'd live happily ever after. But this film's not done with the theme of love yet.