Like Water for Chocolate Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In her laboratory, John had passed most of his childhood and adolescence. (6, 388)

This is in reference to Morning Light, John's Indigenous grandmother. Again, we see how the children spend most of their time with mothers or mother figures, and that the father is absent (in both Mexican and North American cultures).

Quote #8

[Chencha'd] heard talk since she was a child about bad things that happen to women who disobey their parents and masters and leave the house. (7, 434)

Family=fear. Is this true only for women? Only in Mexican culture? What bad things could happen to women if they leave the house?

Quote #9

And so Esperanza would be the only child, the youngest child, and worst of all, a girl. (8, 494)

Nooooo. The worst thing to be in the De la Garza family, especially when Rosaura decides to continue the dreaded tradition. So much for the name "Hope."