Like Water for Chocolate Tradition/Society Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Smoking a cigarette, Gertrudis, perfectly at her ease, was regaling them with fantastic stories of the battles she'd been in." (9, 594)

Tell us more, tell us more. We, like society, love a good story, and we just know all of the people are delighted by the scandal Gertrudis causes.

Quote #8

"The truth. The truth. Look, Tita, the simple truth is that the truth does not exist it all depends on a person's point of view." (10,620)

Tell it like it is, Gertrudis. This chica says what nobody else will, and highlights the fact that the whole love triangle thing between Tita, Pedro, and Rosaura has gone on way too long.

Quote #9

"Not until you behave like a good woman, or a decent one at least." (10, 675)

What is a good woman? A decent one? Are the views that much different in the setting of the book from the present day?