Like Water for Chocolate Tradition/Society Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The wedding guests were not just performing a social act, they wanted to observe [Tita's] suffering. (1, 128)

Dang, that's cold. Getting joy out of other people's pain? Watching hungrily from the sidelines at other people's drama and then gossiping about it? It's like us watching Real World or reading People Magazine, or…yikes. Are we guilty of the same charge?

Quote #5

"They say they're going to live in the same house. If I were Mama Elena, I wouldn't allow it." (1, 131)

Umm, okay nosy nellies, who asked your opinion?

Quote #6

"You have blackened the name of my entire family, from my ancestors down to this cursed baby you carry in your belly." (9, 565)

Uh-oh. A curse is not a good thing, especially coming from Mama E. Tita is being blamed for everything, as usual.