

Character Role Analysis

Jack Husk

Jack Husk may seem like a male lead straight out of a Disney Channel original movie, but he's actually a creature with more devious objectives. Despite his easy-on-the-eyes appearance, he's a goblin who's using Kizzy's low self-esteem and desperation for romance against her in order to steal her soul. How cruel. And guess what? In the end he succeeds.


Vasudev's a demon who likes to kill people for fun, so obviously he is the bad guy in "Spicy Little Things Such As These"—dude would be the bad guy in pretty much any scenario involving people. In this tale, though, Vasudev is the one who comes up with the idea for Anamique's curse, and he takes great pleasure in devising gruesome deaths for Estella and her servant. What a creep.

The Druj Queen

The Druj Queen in "Hatchling" is the kind of cold villainess that fairy tales are filled with. She is beautiful, cruel, and feels no emotions whatsoever. When she does horrible things to Mab, it's easy to assume that the Druj Queen is just the worst person ever—but Mihai's revelation about how the Druj used to be human explains their lack of emotions. They've traded their souls for immortality. So while the Druj Queen is definitely cruel, she also cannot help it.