Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Lips Touch: Three Times.
Love Quotes
It was much easier than Kizzy would have thought, walking across town with a beautiful boy, talking about things like the fat content of elk mat and the aerodynamic quality of pizza, and about the...
Lies and Deceit Quotes
But Kizzy was ripe for goblins, and if anything got her, it would probably be them. Already one had tracked the perfume of her longing past the surly billy goat to peer in her bedroom window. Alrea...
Violence Quotes
When Kizzy was a little girl, she had asked once if she could have that knife when her grandmother died, and her grandmother had answered, "Sunshine, I'll need it where I'm going. Get your own damn...
Fear Quotes
Kizzy decided this had to be some beautiful boys' evil club initiation: to tease a freak girl and kill her heart. It was the only explanation. (1.2.44)
Identity Quotes
Kizzy hated it all, and she kind of hated herself too, by association. She hated mirrors, hated her ankles, hated her hair. She wanted to climb out of her life as if it were a seashell she could ab...
Women and Femininity Quotes
Kizzy was so busy wishing she was Sarah Ferris or Jenny Glass that she could scarcely see herself at all, and she was certainly blind to her own weird beauty: her heavy, spell-casting eyes, too-wid...
Mortality Quotes
But she wasn't alive. She had gone into the unknowable last summer. Besides the swan's wing, they'd buried her with other things she'd need: her pockets full of almonds to eat, a compass for findin...
Memory and the Past Quotes
All of the omens of the day, the swirl of swan feathers, the grave of dead grass, her grandmother's blade still rimed with the frost of the underworld, all her memories of warnings, they coalesced...
The Supernatural Quotes
The goblins didn't look away. Their mouths filled with saliva as they watched her. There was scant cover for them in the leafless hawthorns along the main road, and Kizzy should have seen them. (1....
Transformation Quotes
The effect was to bring her face into focus, and Kizzy stared at it for minutes, getting the feeling that something had happened to her since the last time she had looked at herself, if indeed she...