

Character Role Analysis


As the main character in "Goblin Fruit," Kizzy is the heroine of her own story… even if she thinks that her story is mighty boring. She's fighting off the attention of goblins, though she doesn't know it when we first meet. We do know, though, so when a particular goblin comes after her, we cross our fingers and hope that Kizzy follows one of her moments of clarity in which she considers fighting back. In the end, though, she lets the goblins win. Sigh.


She may not seem like such a formidable character at first, but Anamique is definitely the star of the show in "Spicy Little Things Such As These." Over the course of the story, we see her grow from a timid girl to a confident young woman—and this doesn't change even when her curse comes true and all her loved ones die. Nope, Anamique simply charges down to Hell in order to bring back the people in her life that she killed with her curse. Way to save the day, Anamique.


Esmé is the main girl in "Hatchling," and the story revolves around the disturbing changes that she wakes up to one day. It turns out that she has the Druj Queen incubating inside of her soul, and only in allowing herself to separate from the Druj Queen can the demon return to her body, hopefully regaining some of her human compassion in the process. Esmé goes through with this even though it's scary and painful, and in the end she resumes her normal life like a champ.