Luna Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Liam shrugged. "You never know. It's not either or. There are shades of gray to people's gender." (8.99)

It's true—gender isn't nearly as cut and dry as people think it is. There are lots of variations to how people view themselves, and it's not fair to say that girls and boys have to be a certain way.

Quote #5

"No." Liam placed a hand on her shoulder. "No, it's nothing like that. I'm not sick. I'm… a girl." (21.19)

It's pretty depressing that Aly would rather have Liam tell her that he was gay or had AIDS instead of the truth.

Quote #6

"He's not gay," I said. "He's trans. He's not what he appears. He'll show you. He's going to change into her girl role. Except, it's not really a role. It's who he really is. Luna. Who she is." (21.46)

People just can't seem to get that Liam isn't changing into another person—Luna represents who she has always been inside. By being Luna, she just being more herself than before.