Luna Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It's men's cologne," She stated flatly. "Tell him I would've gotten him perfume if I'd known. He can exchange it." (23.71)

Even though they've been best friends since childhood, Aly can't accept that Luna is the same person she's always known—the only difference is her name and clothes. Aly begrudgingly gives Luna a birthday present because she still means a lot to her, but the present demonstrates how much Aly is still struggling with Luna.

Quote #8

I lowered my voice and said, "He's still the same person you've always known. Just happier as a girl." (23.75)

Luna can only be happy when she's expressing her true gender, so even though it hurts the people around her, she cannot help but let this side of her shine.

Quote #9

"No," he whines. "I want it off. Take it off, take it off, take it off." He starts slapping at his penis and stamping his feet, throwing a fit. (24.103)

It's clear that Luna has never felt like a boy—even as a little kid she was horrified by the body parts that made her distinctly male. That's definitely not what happens for kids who feel like their sex and gender match up.