Luna Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Bruchac'd never figure out the joke. And if he did, maybe he'd figure out something else—I wasn't Liam. (4.105)

Regan and Luna are so intertwined as siblings that it can be hard for people to realize that they're not the same person. Heck, it's even difficult for Regan to see herself as a separate person.

Quote #5

His room still creeped me out. It was stark. Cold. Abandoned. (8.85)

Because her bedroom has to reflect her male presentation, Luna keeps it bare and unadorned. She can't express any part of her identity through her surroundings.

Quote #6

That's what he called it—the locked steamer trunk that contained his life. His desired life. The girl clothes. The makeup. He'd even wired the trunk with an alarm system. (8.105)

Poor, Luna—her whole identity has to literally be locked up in a trunk. She can't bring it out and wear it freely like everyone else does.