Luna Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Monday morning Liam was back to his old self—hollow boy. I could deal with that. So could he. Hopefully he was over this whole transition phase. (12.8)

When Luna has to hide her true identity, she becomes a "hollow boy." She can't be vibrant or full of life because her life isn't what she wants it to be.

Quote #8

Me? I had no dreams. No longings. Dreams only set you up for disappointment. Plus, you have to have a life to have dreams of a better life. (12.23)

Regan's whole identity and life are so consumed by Luna's problems that she doesn't have the time to consider what she wants out of life and to think about what her dreams are.

Quote #9

"I've been asking around about you and nobody seems to know who you are." (16.10)

Instead of cultivating an identity, Regan is content to just hide in the shadows. That's why Chris has a hard time figuring out who she is—even once they start dating.