Luna Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Dad, I'm not lying." I felt this sudden surge of sympathy for my father. Or empathy. I went and sat beside him, setting my Coke on the coffee table. "Believe me. He isn't gay." (14.52)

Technically this isn't a lie—Liam isn't gay, he's transgender. Even though Regan knows that the truth would hurt her dad even more, she decides not to tell him yet. That's Luna's job.

Quote #5

He'd been in my room, too? How dare he! If he touched anything… I had my crap arranged just the way I liked it. "Stay out of my room, Dad," I ordered him. "Stay out of both our rooms." (15.45)

Another problem with parents: they sometimes don't respect your privacy. Regan doesn't have anything to hide, but she doesn't want her dad snooping around and finding info on Luna either.

Quote #6

"I wouldn't keep anything from you." That lie tripped off my tongue too easily. I'd never hurt her, not on purpose. Why didn't she ask Liam? Why didn't she talk to him? (15.115)

Aly is Regan's only other friend besides Luna, and she can't even be fully honest with her. It just seems like Luna's secrets are going to cost Regan every close friendship she has.