Luna Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was still questioning whether I'd betrayed Aly when I got to school the next day. Was I the one who should've told her? Did I betray our friendship? Was it my fault she couldn't deal with the truth? (22.20)

When Aly does learn the truth, she really struggles with it. She'd rather go on pretending that Liam's strange, or gay, or interested in someone else—at least that way, she doesn't have to cope with the idea that Liam is really a girl.

Quote #8

Hmm. I could exchange this cologne for a bottle of Passion, I thought, Luna's favorite perfume. I'd tell Liam it was from Aly, that she was beginning to come around. (23.82)

Regan even considers lying to Luna about how Aly is starting to accept the truth, but she knows that if Luna finds out, she'll only be more upset.

Quote #9

Dad's head spun my way. "You lied to me! You told me he wasn't gay." He pointed an accusatory finger. "I asked you point blank and you liked to me." (24.26)

No, Dad—Regan didn't technically lie to you. Gay and trans are not the same thing—one is a sexual orientation and the other is a gender identity. Regan omitted the truth in order to save her sister from being totally torn apart by your judgment.