Luna Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A shroud of darkness descended over me. I don't know why I thought it'd be different. He'd be different. Someone as cool as him? All he had to do was cross the threshold of Horizon High to be instantly absorbed by Them. The ones with shape, form, matter. They Who Mattered. (8.39)

Yikes—the social hierarchy in high school can be pretty difficult to overcome. Poor Regan thinks that she doesn't have a shot with Chris because he's one of the "cool" kids. Can she ever have that kind of social power?

Quote #5

Mom shrieks," Why didn't you tell me? You know I've been here for the last hour making lunches. I'm always in here at the same time every day making lunches. That's all I ever do. Cook for you, clean for you, take care of the kids…" (15.65)

Regan's mom may be the perfect cookie cutter wife and mother to her husband, but that's not what she wants to be at all. She wants to have a career and do something with her life, not just conform to what the ideal housewife should be.

Quote #6

"I don't think the American dream quite lived up to their expectations." There was that word again – expectations. "I don't know," I went on. "They seem… disillusioned. Like they're just going through the motions, you know?" (18.106)

The O'Neill parents have this perfect future planned out that fits into American society's standards, but it doesn't seem to be doing them that much good. Maybe they should have followed their hearts instead.