Luna Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He'd said it himself: he was wrong. He didn't fit. And there was nothing I could do—nothing anyone could do—to make him right. (19.65)

Trying to overcome societal pressures is something that Luna will have to do on her own. Even if Regan wants to help, Luna may never fit in and has to face this fact solo.

Quote #8

Dad's face registered… what? Denial? Revulsion? "What. Are. You." His tone of voice made me shrink in fear. (24.31)

You'd think that Luna would be safe from societal expectations at home, but things are even worse when their dad finds out that he's got a transgender kid. Instead of being understanding about it, he acts with fear and revulsion.

Quote #9

"You're not leaving this house dressed like that. You look like a… a clown. Go downstairs and change." (24.44)

Their dad is even more worried when Luna makes a move to go outside. It's one thing to have Luna walking around the house, but it's a whole other story if she's going to go outside and potentially expose their family. Good to know Dad has his priorities in order.