Master Harold... and the boys Competition Quotes

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Quote #7

SAM. [. . .] We're getting ready for the championships, Hally, not just another dance. (1233-1235)

Sam finally lets his true feelings show about the competition. Up until now he's seemed cool as a cucumber, ready to just dance regardless of what happens. Here, though, he shows a little bit of pride – he's made it to the championships, which means that he's actually a pretty good dancer. The stakes are higher now.

Quote #8

SAM. [. . .] And then, finally, your imagination also left out the climax of the evening when the dancing is finished, the judges have stopped whispering among themselves and the Master of Ceremonies collects their scorecards and goes up onto the stage to announce the winners. (1253-1258)

It's interesting that the climax of the dance competition is just before the judges' decision is announced. All action is suspended; there is no more dancing, but there's no winner yet, either. It's kind of like the play itself: by the end of it we don't know what Hally will do. We're all just holding our breath.

Quote #9

SAM. Maximum of ten points each for individual style, deportment, rhythm and general appearance.

[…] HALLY. [. . .] And penalties? [. . .] For doing something wrong. Say you stumble or bump into somebody…do they take off any points? (1368-1375)

Sam explains the dance competition judging system to Hally, with its overall categories. Hally doesn't seem to understand though; his confusion about punishment is laughable to Sam, who knows that no one ever stumbles or bumps into anyone on the dance floor. Sam is about earning points while Hally is about losing them; it says something about their optimistic vs. cynical outlooks on life.