Matched Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The two desires struggle within me: the desire to be safe, and the desire to know. I cannot tell which one will win. (23.34)

In case you hadn't already figured it out by this point, Cassia foreshadows here the other big choice she's going to have to make—following the rules and staying safe versus risking the lives of herself and her family in a fight to have choices.

Quote #8

I sort Ky into the higher group and close the datapod as if the decision has cost me nothing at all.


I hope I made the right choice. (26.73-75)

Again Cassia has to choose between her selfish desire to keep Ky close to her, and the possibility of a better life for him. She hates having to play god and make decisions that affect other people's lives.

Quote #9

I feel like something is dying, ruined beyond repair. If the Officials orchestrated our whole love affair, the one thing I thought happened in spite of them… (27.94)

This is a pretty mind-blowing moment for Cassia. The one choice she thought she'd actually made of her own accord—to be with Ky—turns out not to have been a choice at all. Cassia is naturally quite devastated to learn that even when she believes she is acting of her own volition, she's still being manipulated by the Officials and Society.