Matched Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'm not anyone. I'm just one of the people who happened to fall in the majority. All my life, the odds have been on my side. (21.62)

Cassia's humble enough to realize the privileged status she has in society, and that maybe it is luck, rather than anything she's earned. And in one fell swoop, she's undone the myth of meritocracy for herself.

Quote #8

"I can never be Matched," he says […] "I'm an Aberration." […] What would it be like to be alone? To know that you could never choose anything else? (21.72-75)

While citizens of high status are much more restricted in their choices than we are, choices are even more limited for those in the lower classes. It's profoundly sad that they can never have a partner and must always be alone.

Quote #9

"[…] the stakes are higher for you because of Ky's Aberration status. Having a fling with a member of Society in good standing is one thing. For the two of you, it's different. If things continue, you could be declared an Aberration yourself." (22.33)

Okay, we get it. Hooking up with an Aberration = bad. Do they think she'll get contaminated or something? It's interesting to compare this to other places in our own world and times in history when class or status has been a crucial determining factor in finding a partner.