How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Pretty soon it was just Nellie, Amy, and Dan, sitting in a corner of the platform like a homeless family. (16.129)
Dan and Amy are orphans, so they're having to form their own, non-traditional family. We're not sure what Nellie's home-life is like, but she's become part of Amy and Dan's family by taking care of them and being someone they can trust.
Quote #8
These guys were siblings who'd spent years annoying each other. (17.56)
This statement refers to the original four Cahills. Could it be that this family has been fighting amongst each other since the very beginning? That makes Amy and Dan, two siblings who get along, an exception.
Quote #9
Amy realized more than ever how alone [she and Dan] were in the world. All they had was each other. (18.55)
Being orphaned at a young age, Amy and Dan have had to rely on each other for a long time. Even though she just now realizes it here, she's been taking care of Dan—and he's been taking care of her—for ages. Here's hoping that doesn't change anytime soon.