How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I'll stay behind, as a show of good faith." (15.123)
Despite betraying them already, Uncle Alistair pledges an act of loyalty to Amy and Dan. Of course, for all they know he could be plotting anything behind their back. If you're not sure if you should trust someone, it's most likely because they've proven themselves to be disloyal already. Trust is one of the hardest things to win back—even harder than a million dollar prize.
Quote #8
Alistair charged into the room and knocked Natalie to the ground. (16.66)
This might be seen as an act of loyalty to Amy and Dan. After all, he just clobbered one of their enemies. But this enemy is an eleven-year-old girl. Perhaps he's not loyal as much as he is just a big bully.
Quote #9
"I told you alliances are important. I'm simply making friends where I can." (18.34)
Ugh. Ain't he just the worst? Alistair forms an alliance with Irina, someone who could both out-fight and out-smart him. He only makes alliances with those whom he thinks he cannot beat. Amy and Dan should take this as a compliment.