How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I had to remind myself that, for most of his life, this had been Will's domain—this globe, these wide shores—not the little annex in the shadow of the castle. (23.37)
When Lou visits Mauritius, she finally gains some insight into the globetrotting life that Will enjoyed before he was paralyzed. He was a modern-day explorer, visiting every exotic locale you can think of. If anything, however, these former travels have only heightened the trauma his injury has caused him. He's gone from having absolute independence to having none whatsoever.
Quote #8
I slowly began to suspect I was actually in paradise. I had never, in my life, imagined that I would spend somewhere like this. (23.42)
For Lou, Mauritius doesn't just provide a nice tan and some good feels—it gives her a whole new perspective on life. Just six months ago, she assumed that she would never leave the borders of her small town, and now she's jet-setting like she's in the one percent.
Quote #9
Every time I thought about heading back to England, a great claw of fear gripped my stomach and began to tighten its hold. (23.85)
Of course, the downside to visiting someplace as wonderful as Mauritius is that it puts all of the faults of Lou's hometown into high relief. How can she go back to living in a place so boring after seeing the beauty that the outside world has to offer?