How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Everything that is sensible, or smart, Katrina did first, despite being eighteen months younger than me. (2.2)
If you can't tell, Lou has some serious sister issues. Happens to the best of us, right? Although Lou is older, she's always felt like she's stuck in Treena's shadow, which results in a lovely cocktail of insecurity and resentment.
Quote #2
The significance of my sister's words sank in slowly but inexorably. I felt the way a Mafia victim must feel, watching the concrete setting slowly around his ankles (3.166)
Ironically, it's Lou who's given the unenviable job of supporting the Clarks when times get bad, despite her sister being the apple of her parents' eyes. That's a tough pill to swallow. What's more, it adds to Lou's sense that she'll never be able to escape her insular family and explore life on her own.
Quote #3
Their dependence on my income [...] meant that I also received a little more respect within the house. (5.5)
The one bright side to becoming the Clark family breadwinner is that Lou gets a little more love from her parents—though, as she admits, she's still not respected as much as she might like. Baby steps.