How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Will needs to be allowed to feel like a man. That is not going to be possible if his mother—or his sister, for that matter—is always on hand." (10.47)
Although Steven Traynor might not be a great father (or husband, for that matter), he's sort of right in this instance. There's nothing wrong with Mrs. Traynor's desire to pay close attention to Will, but it's important to let him feel some sense of independence, especially because that independence has been so abruptly stolen from him.
Quote #8
She was rigid with anxiety. I felt a sudden wave of sympathy for her. It couldn't be easy being my mother. (13.87)
Lou complains about her parents almost as much as she complains about Treena (which is a lot), but there's a lot of love there. Lou's birthday dinner is a great example of this close, albeit contentious, bond.
Quote #9
I could see suddenly how desperately tired she looked. I think she had aged ten years in the time that I had been with them. (22.35)
It's easy to criticize Camilla Traynor for being overbearing, but no one can deny her selfless dedication and love for Will. No one else does as much for him as she does—and we're including Lou in that. That has to be worth something.