Million Dollar Baby Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Million Dollar Baby.

Quote #4

MAGGIE: You don't have to hang around all day.

FRANKIE: Well, I like it here. I don't mind. In fact, if you weren't here, I'd come here anyway to read my books.

Maybe he'd even read a couple in English! Here's some Million Dollar trivia for you, Shmooper: Frankie's beloved W.B. Yeats may have been an Irishman, but he didn't write his poems in Gaelic as the movie suggests.

Quote #5

MAGGIE: Momma, you take Mardell and JD and get home before I tell that lawyer there that you were so worried about your welfare you never signed those house papers like you were supposed to. So anytime I feel like it I can sell that house from under your fat, lazy, hillbilly ass. And if you ever come back, that's exactly what I'll do.

Maggie's biological family is the worst. Here, Maggie finally—finally!—has had enough and tells them to hit the bricks, permanently. In this extremely difficult time, her real family came through: Frankie. He's given her the self-respect and courage to throw their sorry butts out.

Quote #6

FRANKIE: Everything's going to be all right.

MAGGIE: I always hear your voice, boss.

Part of being a good parent is assuring your kid that everything's going to be okay even when it totally isn't, and part of being a good kid is convincing your parent that you believe them.